- Read Time: 1 min
- Hits: 2230
ማራቶን ሞተር (ብቸኛ እና ህጋዊ የሃንዳይ ሞተር ኩባንያ ወኪል) ገጣጥሞ ለገበያ የሚያቀርባቸዉ የሃንዳይ ተሽከርካሪዎች በምን እንደሚለዩ ያዉቃሉ?
- የአገራችንን መልከዓ-ምድር" ከፍታ" የነዳጅ ጥራት ደረጃን" የደንበኛን ፍላጎት" በተጠና መልኩ የተመረጡ አስፈላጊ የሆኑ ኦፕሽኖችን "ወዘተ. ባገናዘበ መልኩ መመረታቸው
- Read Time: 1 min
- Hits: 177
MME training center follows the Hyundai Cyber Academy (HCA) Program. We are operating under the remote control of this academy. In view of the above we are conducting the following program on the passenger vehicle area.
- Read Time: 1 min
- Hits: 176
Our workshop is fully equipped with modern workshop equipment, highly skilled and experienced technicians and providing efficient and reliable service in its workshop located both in Saris and Megenagna in Addis Ababa and also Hawassa.
- Read Time: 2 mins
- Hits: 176
As the Hyundai service center in Ethiopia that you can trust, we guarantee that you will receive world-class service from our exceptional, factory-trained technicians.
Regular service and maintenance are essential for extending the life of your vehicle so you can get as many worry-free kilometers from it as possible.
When you bring your Hyundai to Marathon motor, you’re putting it in the hands of people who know your vehicle inside and out.
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 210
We value all our customers and we commit to:
- Listen carefully and actively follow up on your request
- Maintain a clean, safe and friendly environment
- Schedule an appointment that is convenient to you